W.G. Rickel
film | sound | spectacle
The Modern Dictionary of Electronics
First Edition:
short circuit: a failure to balance mismatched potential $1800 19" x 7" x 6"
short circuit: a failure to balance mismatched potential $1800 19" x 7" x 6"
Fuse: a collection of sacrificial devices $3000
Fuse: a collection of sacrificial devices $3000
transmission anomaly $980 14" x 11" x 3"
transmission anomaly $980 14" x 11" x 3"
Duality Theory -SOLD-
Duality Theory -SOLD-
loss of control in an otherwise controlled arrangement $1700
loss of control in an otherwise controlled arrangement $1700
Ungrounded: a solitary loss of connectivity $1400
Ungrounded: a solitary loss of connectivity $1400
The field of electronics is a dynamic one;
it is constantly and rapidly expanding.
As technology advances, new words evolve and
new meanings are given to existing terms.
The content of this dictionary is thus an analysis of
words and their meanings,
as determinded by usage and
experiential rendering.
8 |2 |2013
Environmental Overcurrent: [malfunction by flow along a path unintended]
Environmental Overcurrent: [malfunction by flow along a path unintended]
binary cell -SOLD- 13" x 5" x 2"
binary cell -SOLD- 13" x 5" x 2"
i'm listening.. -NFS-
i'm listening.. -NFS-
Analog Cephalalgia $800
Analog Cephalalgia $800
Resistor $350
Resistor $350
a perfect insulator does not exist -SOLD-
a perfect insulator does not exist -SOLD-
Condensor $350
Condensor $350
Thermionic Remission $500 H-9" | W-5.5" | D-2.75"
Thermionic Remission $500 H-9" | W-5.5" | D-2.75"
tuner SOLD H-5" | W-4" | D-2"
tuner SOLD H-5" | W-4" | D-2"
Signal Penetration $500 H-11" | W-6.5" | D- 7"
Signal Penetration $500 H-11" | W-6.5" | D- 7"